Not my weekend

Mar 03, 2013 17:24

So, the DVR died again.  We are calling for a new box tomorrow.  At least the TV is still working.  And we hadn't had much time to record a whole lot, so not too much was lost.  When I woke up this morning, I realized the house felt cool and it turns out the blower for the furnace is broken.  The guy who was able to come out on a Sunday got it up and running while we wait for a new motor, and hopefully, it will hold.  Especially since we are supposed to be getting some sort of storm on Weds.

In addition, I have had to be doing some work this weekend due to the sequester.  Working in federal budgeting can be a pain.  I would certainly have rather been doing something else, and all of this work may be for nothing if Congress changes things at the end of the month.  Please just tell me the budget I have to work with so I can get on with it.  Ugh.

Maybe next weekend will be better.

One funny from the weekend:  hearing my 12 year old respond to a song on the radio with "this is my jam!"  Hah!

Oh, and LJ ate this post and I had to do it twice.  Bleah.

life stuff

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