Happy New Year!

Jan 01, 2013 21:45

Welcome to 2013, everyone.  Of course, since the federal calendar is all screwy, I'm kind of used to that idea already.  We had a good holiday with my parents here and then a trip to OKC to see the in-laws.  I'm not thrilled to go to work again tomorrow, but the federal budget world is busy right now, so I think the next week or two will be a bit crazed, to say the least.

One note:  The boys stayed up last night for midnight for the first time and they kept questioning who this Dick Clark person was that they were talking about on TV.  Ouch.  I know American Bandstand was fading by the time I was in HS, but sheesh, they made me feel old.

I hope everyone has a happy and healthy 2013!

new year's

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