November crazies

Nov 13, 2012 21:12

I cannot believe it is November 13th already.  Last Thursday, J and I had at least a 5 minute phone conversation where he kept saying something was happening "this weekend" and I kept saying "you mean November 10th" and it took me many repetitions of this to realize that "this weekend" was not November 3rd, but November 10th.  Where does the time go?

My parents are arriving on Friday afternoon for a weekend visit for Jillian's birthday.  The party is on Saturday the 17th, and then my little girl will actually be 5 right after that.  Crazy.  And then we are going to Disney World for Thanksgiving.  I'm not sure what we were thinking, but we're doing it.  I'm already trying to get a jump on packing because with the weekend company and the birthday festivities, the trip will be here before we know it.  And then we get back and my hubby's birthday is the next week and then it's December.  Where did the time go?  How is it coming up on Christmas already?  Wow.  I have started some of my x-mas shopping for the kids, but since I don't yet have J's birthday gifts, maybe I should focus on that a bit first, huh?

A quick TV note:  I am keeping up pretty well, although I continue to be behind on H50 and Revenge.  I don't care for McGarrett's mother, really.  I'd be fine if she disappeared again.  I am enjoying TV this fall but I find I have not picked up too many new shows.  I'm not sure why.  I may need to work on that.

Enjoy the rest of November.  It's going way too fast for me!

life stuff, tv

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