Grey's Anatomy

Oct 20, 2012 22:52

I have been watching Grey's and how happy am I that Smash and Tina Majorino are some of the new interns?  I don't know yet about this "Jo" one, but I am hoping the other two are sticking around, definitely.  As for the storylines thus far this season...

When will Christina go back to Seattle?  I see her starting to bond with Mr. Feeny in MN, and I just think it's drawing out the inevitable.  Sheesh.  Mark made me cry (big shocker there), and Arizona and Callie is just a little too close to the whole House/Sela Ward thing (I cannot remember her character's name).  If I can remember right, that one went the other way, right?  She wouldn't let them cut off the leg?  I don't remember, but the resentment about making decisions for the person while they are unable to is remarkably similar, I think.  Apparently, Bailey needs to find a purpose this season because she's in a rut.  What happened to her efforts to create the artificial pancreas?  It just went poof?  And Alex is, yet again, sleeping with everyone and their intern.  Ugh.  He was so moving in the right direction.  I did love Mere commiserating with Avery about Webber sleeping with their mothers.  That made me laugh.

I am definitely in for the season, at this point.  Bring it on, Shonda!

grey's anatomy, tv

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