It's hot out there!

Jul 01, 2012 22:19

We have been very lucky and not lost power (thus far -- knock wood).  I still have my fingers crossed because there are folks a few blocks away with no power and I have had it happen before that to fix others, they turn my power off.  I have groceries, so I am tempting fate.  The thunderstorm on Friday night was pretty amazing and a ton of trees are down.  We are exceptionally thankful that we took out a large tree in our front yard in the spring since I'm not sure it would have made it through this storm.  We did lose part of our fence to a neighbor's tree limb, but we don't like the fence anyway, and we don't have anything we are really trying to keep in or out, so all in all, not so bad.

J has downloaded pics from our camera, so I now have a picture of Elliott I can share.  I really think I like him as he is getting older.

Extra bonus photo:

Jarrett at his 5th grade promotion ceremony (I can't believe we are headed for middle school already!):

I hope everyone out there is keeping cool and out of way of fires, hurricanes, etc.  Gotta love that extreme weather!  I am off to go see the women's gymnastics Olympic Trials on my DVR.  Yay!

weather, kid stuff

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