Odds and Ends

May 16, 2012 20:06

First, Happy Birthday, be_cool_bec!  I know I'm a little late for UK time, but it's still your birthday in the US!

Second, I haven't seen the Bones finale, and I really want to (it's mocking me from the DVR), but I'm scared to.  I'm pretty unspoiled, but it's hard to escape completely.  I just need to bite the bullet and suck it up.

I have seen the Smash finale (no one by mastermia probably cares, though), and it was... interesting. 

Glad that Ellis is gone (for now), sort of surprised that Karen got the call, and of course Ivy is choosing pills after over-identifying with Marilyn for most of the season.  Ugh.  And Dev needs to just disappear with that Michael Swift dude.

I think I am glad it got renewed, however.

I watched Glee last night and I enjoyed the 2 hours.  I got confused a little because I forgot that it wasn't the season finale until the previews for next week appeared. 

The body swap dream was so much fun.  I thoroughly enjoyed it, and I hope the cast did too.  I was glad the Beiste found her resolve to get out, and that Puck got another chance to take his test.  That Alex kid from Glee Project got so much screen/song time!  I bet that the others are a little jealous.  And was that a hint that he's moving to Lima for the next season?  (Sidebar:  When the Glee Project ads air and say only one gets on the show, I scoff because 4 kids got on the show from the first season.)  Why does Jesse St. James not like vintage?  He did Bohemian Rhapsody, for pete's sake.  I still find it very weird that Sue has somehow befriended Schue.  So strange.  I loved the Tina retrospective at the start of the 1st hour.

All in all, I thought these were some of the better Glee episodes of the year.

Oh, and HIMYM -- I was totally surprised at the end.  Totally.  But I did enjoy the trip to get to that point.  Th

e whole runaway bride thing is a bit much, but we'll see how that ends next season, I guess.

Wow.  I guess I had more to say than I thought.  Whew.

himym, birthday message, glee, smash, tv

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