A TV post

Nov 06, 2011 16:07

It feels like I haven't posted about TV in quite a bit.  And since I probably haven't really posted in a bit about anything, that's a good guess (without looking back at my LJ).  I'm running a bit behind in my viewing because we had my in-laws and my parents visiting in quick succession (one day of overlap) around T-giving, and so the DVR got a bit backed up.

Anyhoo -- Bones fortunately premiered after everyone had left.  I enjoyed the opening, but I don't think I was squeeing like some I have seen.  Definitely "aww"ing though. And I don't know where they found baby Michael, but that is both one of the cutest and happiest babies I have ever seen in my life on TV.  My gosh, he just never stopped smiling.  It was too adorable!  And I liked Booth and Brennan in a relationship together, although somewhere I saw something about her being 5 months pregnant and that is just wrong.  It must be more like 7 months, right?  That would also fit better with the # of shows that will air prior to the maternity leave break, I think.  But if she was 5 months pregnant, she would have been able to get up from the floor without calling Booth for help.  I've been pregnant 3 times, and I'm pretty sure I remember when the balance and unwieldy phase kicked in.  All in all, I am okay with having skipped the new relationship phase and I appreciate that they are still working out things between them, as any relatively new couple would be.  I am happy that the show is back.

I also have a few thoughts about Grey's Anatomy. I realized this week (I don't know why it was now), when George's mother was there, that I have been watching this show for a long time.  And a lot has changed, and things are different, as Alex said.  I am ready for Bailey and Mere to get back on a good footing, although I understand why they aren't, and I thought the scenes between them around Mama O'Malley's surgery were good ones.  And how sweet was it with Callie spewing the updates right after she woke up from surgery and Mama O'Malley focusing on the baby.  Even Callie's mom is not providing that much validation.  It was just so lovely.  I like that Christina is getting back to herself a bit more, although there must be a showdown with Owen at some point, right?  And poor Lexie (did I really just say that?) over-identifying with a book character.  We've never done that, right?  But kudos to Avery for standing up for himself.  This show has definitely had its ups and downs, and next week's episode looks like standard sweep period dramatics, but I'm glad I have stuck with it.  But man, I miss George too.  He was the good one.

Let's see, I've been watching many other things, as well, but Ringer is my new Dollhouse -- I will probably end up DVRing the whole season before watching any of it.  I have liked reading the Fug Girls take on the show, however, so I am seriously spoiled.  Maybe by the time I start watching, I will have forgotten.  I am also still into Revenge.  I need to watch last week's episode still, but I am glad it got picked up.  Hmmm... I think that's enough for now.  Maybe as I catch up some more I will feel more motivated to post some more.  Fingers crossed.

grey's anatomy, bones, tv

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