Not my favorite episode ever

Jan 28, 2010 22:37

Exhibit A:  I'm not sure what was off for me tonight with the Bones episode.

I sort of enjoyed Mr. Nigel Murray's (is there a hyphen in that?  Is that a last name or a full name?  I'm unclear.) crisis of confidence throughout the episode.  And his resulting "Cheers" and "Brilliant" when things went well.  I liked the boiling rhubarb idea -- too bad he got no credit for that.  But, the mystery was kind of blah for me.  And I am not sure how I feel about Booth's thing with Jared.  I am with him on the one month is fast thing, though.  I did like that Brennan was so confounded by his reluctance to believe in the possibility of love after a month and that she put it to him as a logical issue for him to figure out.  And her toast wasn't too bad either.  But in general, I was not as happy during this episode as I think I usually am.  Sad.

Exhibit B:  Leverage needed more... levity, maybe.  I liked Hardison playing with Sterling's earpiece.  And the quick elevator reveal was good.  But in general, it was kind of flat for me.  And I have decided that Sophie should either rejoin the team or go away and leave Six of Seven to it.  I really do like the actress who does Sophie, but I'm tired of the limbo and she should either come back or not.  Stop dithering.

TV has just not been thrilling me lately.  That does not make me happy.  TV is supposed to be my main escape from the mundane that is my life of work and kids and laundry.  Something is definitely off.

leverage, bones, tv

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