Happy New Year!

Dec 31, 2009 22:31

Well, I've survived another year.  And now 2 years on LJ, even.  I don't know what I used to do with my life before LJ and fanfic.  What did I do with all the free time?  I hope the few of you out there reading this have a great 2010, that good things come your way, and that any resolutions you make you succeed at.

I am not really one for resolutions just because the follow-through is pretty rough, but I think I have a few that hopefully aren't too ambitious:

1)  Try to maintain the weight loss I had this year (kind of in the hole already thanks to the holidays, but I hope once I'm back into regular life that I can rebound).

2)  Try to make connections for my kids with other kids in the neighborhood -- have more playdates.

3)  Try to stay connected with my hubby and maybe even find a babysitter that's local so that we can have a night out now and then.

There.  That seems relatively do-able.  Fingers crossed!

life stuff, new year's

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