Name - Glace
AIM Name - glaceleau, on everything =P
E-Mail - but honestly I rarely check it. An LJ message would be much quicker.
Name - Wesley Uccello
Fandom - Original Character
Canon Point - n/a
Age - 24
Gender - Male
Appearance -
Character sheet on dA Wesley is a Caucasian man with dark brown hair and eyes. He stands 5'8" tall and has a generally thin but disproportionate build, with a small torso, wide hips and long, stocky legs. He has two claw scars on his face, roughly parallel; one runs over the bridge of his nose through his left eyebrow, and the other through the left corner of his mouth. He's had cosmetic surgery on both, particularly near his mouth.
He has a severe and angular face, with a large, wide and pointed jaw, a very large hooked nose, a medium-wide mouth with fairly thick lips, and small, sharp eyes with unusually small irises. His eyebrows are thick and harshly curved, and his ears have are pointed, but not unnaturally so. Basically, he is made of a series of wide triangles.
His hair is mostly on the short side - around an inch and a half long - with bangs long enough to hide his eyes if he wants them to. The sides of his hair above his ears are bleached and dyed a light seafoam green. The had sideburns but otherwise keeps fairly clean-shaven.
The way that he dresses looks somewhat effortless, but he is fairly fussy about his appearance. He prefers to wear a short-sleeved white shirt and black tie, a tan sweater vest, an open brown bomber-style jacket, very baggy beige pinstriped pants, and brown boots. His clothes help to hide his body shape.
He isn't the most approachable guy in the world; he usually looks annoyed, even when he isn't, and doesn't really have a problem with that. He rarely makes eye contact and bears his teeth often. He also has a habit of licking the front of his teeth, often at inopportune times when it seems either particularly rude or vaguely threatening. When he's comfortable, his movements are casual, loose and somewhat gangly, but when he's uncomfortable (which is often) he becomes very stiff and withdrawn.
Personality - Wes is a self-admitted jerk. He's quite rude, makes no efforts at kindness or politeness, and isn't good at it even if he did. He's defensive, stubbornly set in his ways, and has a bad temper, even though he usually couldn't win in an actual fight. Bitingly witty at best and plain abusive at worst, he's not afraid to make a low blow because he plainly doesn't care about your feelings.
In general Wes doesn't care for people; he'd probably be perfectly happy living alone on a private island. He's painfully antisocial and is known to go for long periods of time with his brother as the only person he actually sees. He goes out of his way to avoid anything that could be considered a social situation. He isn't impossible to make friends with, and if he likes you he can be surprisingly affectionate (if still not polite or kind), but his trust is hard-earned.
Wes is a neurotic, paranoid type with trust issues. He is one to assume the worst and he rarely gives the benefit of the doubt. While he can be surprisingly comfortable around people he knows are capable of terrible things, any time he isn't alone or with a close confidant he tends to keep looking over his shoulder. In general, he's easily spooked. When he isn't worried about his personal safety he worries about the people he cares for leaving him, as you might expect from a guy with a dead mother, terminally ill brother and old best friend halfway across the world.
In many ways, his antisocial aversion to people is just a fear of people. He doesn't like being seen because he's afraid of being read; he doesn't like being out in the open because it makes him feel like a target and he doesn't trust people not to shoot at it. He's afraid of crowds, and even a group of four or five strangers is enough to make him anxious and clammed-up.
Wes is a pretty immature, childish person. He is entirely self-centered, he hates admitting that he's wrong, and, though he is actually very good at hiding his emotions when they aren't too extreme, he feels deeply and is prone to tantrums and breakdowns. Being a fairly sheltered of his own accord, he's a bit of a prude, and is asexual himself.
When he's thinking clearly, Wes is actually very smart. He's a clever, bookish sort with a good scientific mind. He knows a lot of things about a lot of things, and is good at sorting out facts. He hates to admit that he's wrong, but often realizes it, and has the sense to see what he did wrong and beat himself up for it later. He isn't very secure or self-confident, even if he tries to make you think he is.
Although he doesn't care for people much, Wes is very fond of animals, to the point that he'd be the first to say that he'd pick a cat over a human. He understands how to deal with animals better than people, and would rather spend his time with them - he prefers the way that they can be trusted to not be deceptive, to leave when it suits them, and to never be entirely safe. They have a lot of the traits he hates in humans, but don't ever try to hide them.
History - Wes comes from a fairly unpleasant, medium-large city run less by the government than the criminal organizations that inhabit it. Luckily - or not, depending on how you look at it - his father is the head of one of those organizations. Dominick Uccello. A powerful man, an emotional man, and an unstable man, with the ruthlessness you'd expect of someone who pulled himself to the top but a theatricality you wouldn't.
Wes was a bit of an accident, but he cemented the surprisingly stable marriage of his father and his mother, a back-alley surgeon with a cruel sense of humor, a witchy laugh and an open heart. They had tried to keep his upbringing as normal and stable as possible... then his brother happened. His brother: the boy, three years older than Wes, that Dominick had orphaned and took pity on. Wes was two when he was adopted into the family, but it didn't take long for them to grow attached to each other.
The earlier part of Wes' childhood wasn't bad; his biggest problem was his fear of the crowds at school, but as long as his big brother was around he felt safe. Really, both his fiercely protective brother and his parents had his back thoroughly covered. Even when his brother grew too old and went to another school, he was alright.
Things started deteriorating around when he turned ten. At this point, his family thought he was old enough to handle being told that his dear brother was terminally ill. He wasn't, and denied it for years. When he was twelve his mother was killed in retaliation for purposefully botching a surgery on one of Dominick's enemies - Wes has said that his mother was killed by a botched surgery since then.
After that, he stopped being able to ignore his father's life, and he looked at it with fear and disdain... which made it particularly difficult when he was fifteen and dear brother became part of it. However, his fears of losing his brother as he knew him were assuaged when, next year, Wes had his face torn up in a falconry accident and dear brother stayed with him as always.
At eighteen Wes was all ready to abandon his father. He didn't quite hate him, but he was so tired of the paranoia, of the awful things he was becoming desensitized to hearing about, and his father's broken promises of normalcy and never yelling like that again.
Then he was kidnapped for ransom.
His father had a quick and bloody solution to the problem, but the incident had shaken Wes up so badly that he couldn't really function for months. He held up with his brother until he again felt capable of striking out on his own, with a renewed determination to have as little to do with Dominick as possible. He had always done well in school, and he put himself through college to eventually obtain his current career as a zoopathologist.
He reached what for him was a comfortable situation; living alone about a half an hour outside of his old hometown's city limits, working primarily out of his house analyzing data and writing research papers, often meeting with his brother but not speaking with his father.
About nine days ago he unexpectedly lost contact with his brother, who is now a missing person. He didn't take this very well, and started taking the search into his own hands...
Skills/Abilities/Powers - Wes' favorite hobby and pastime is falconry. He's licensed, he's been practicing it since he was fourteen, and he's quite skilled with it. He has a way with animals in general, but particularly birds.
His job is/was researching diseases in animals, so he knows a fair bit about that and diseases in general. Though he isn't a vet, he has a decent idea of how to care for sick animals.
As you might expect from someone who isolates themselves, he is good with a computer.
He knows how to fire a gun (he carries one for self-defense, though he won't have it at the Carnival) and has decent aim.
Power Restrictions - No powers here.
Job - Wes' fear of crowds prevents him from being a performer, so he will train and care for the animals. Since there isn't anyone more qualified at the moment, he can focus on diagnosing and caring for any health issues in particular.
Mark Location - On his right hip, vertically.
First Person Sample (Communicator, Bulletin, or Mirror) -
[ Communicator to Jilles, late night ]
Jilles. Jilles.
[ His voice is just a whisper as he transmits the message from under his sheets. ]
I know you're still awake, stupid. Talk to me. Please. I can't sleep. Now I know what it's like to be you. [ He laughs weakly. ]
You know I blame you for this. I'd be so pissed if I didn't need you so much. Once we get out of here I'm going to kick your a**.
We're getting out of here.
Third Person Sample (Log) -
This was the last chance.
Wes wasn't willing to let go of his brother. Not yet. The investigators were useless, and there was a decent chance that he was at the bottom of the river now. But there was this last opportunity. This last chance. It had presented itself to Wes and he didn't want to hand it off to someone he didn't trust.
That carnival. It was still here, but leaving soon. Too soon. His brother had mentioned it before, and he had said it was stupid. But he might have gone anyway. The damned fool, could this have been avoided if he listened?
Wes entered the gate cautiously. Maybe too cautiously, because he seemed to catch the attention of one of the carnies almost immediately. He was chipper and friendly and fake, and annoyed Wes immensely, as he was here looking for something and deadly serious about it. He didn't want to play some stupid game.
But maybe if he played it'd shut the guy up and he could get on with his search.
Any Other Details We Should Know - Obviously he knows Jilles so it'll just be assumed that they meet periodically. I might occasionally do puppet-show type threads but mostly they'll just be totally independent of each other. His presence will probably make Jilles a little less desperate and clingy, more comfortable with the whole situation, and more willing to go along with whatever is told to him.