Nov 21, 2007 16:43
So there I was, on the brink of destruction! In my hand I held the empty glass that once contained my fourth non-alcoholic sparkling bubbly, and I discover unexpectedly to my great delight, that I could stay the night at my friend Tricia’s house. BUT ALAS! I didn’t bring my toothbrush or floss or pajamas. I could go home and get them myself, but DeWitt has a rule against youth not yet 18 wandering out into the world after one o’clock, and I’ll never make it back in time! So I did the only thing I could think, and called Erik, in hopes that his overwhelming benevolence would see fit to help me. Despite the late hour and long drive, Erik agreed to come out and deliver the things. Even though he had told me before I left to take them with me just in case. He saved the day, or night as more accurately fits. I can’t imagine how terrible things would have been without him. More over, I can’t imagine the terrible conditions he overcame and the evil creatures he had to defeat to help me! I shall be indebted to him for no small amount of time.