San Francisco photos

May 30, 2007 01:09

Anyone who arrives in San Francisco with a camera seems to have an obligation to take (and probably post somewhere) some photos of well-known city landmarks, and some photos of something unusual. Even though I have lived in that area before, and therefore it's possible that this obligation does not apply to me, here are the photos:

Me, on a train, arriving in San Francisco from San Jose

Market, 5th and Powell Streets

Cable Car stop at Powell and Market

People walking at Powell and Market

More of the same place

Cars on Powell.

This is what I mean by cars being more of a burden. If you walk, you have to deal with hills. If you drive, you are on the same hills in a car, surrounded by other cars that are not moving. They also completely fill the parking lane if there is such a thing on the street.

Union Square at Powell.

Same place, view back toward Market Street.

Further away from Market on Powell, view back from the hill.

Bush Street, view from Powell, also downhill toward Market.

Stockton Street, view from Bush, at the top of the tunnel.

Same Stockton Tunnel, view from the bottom.

Chinatown gates on Grant Street, view from Bush.

Same place, closer view along Grant into Chinatown.

Pine and Grant intersection in Chinatown.

Further along Grant into Chinatown.

Cable car on California crossing Grant.

Same intersection closer.

Downhill view along California toward Market and Bay Bridge.

Uphill view along Sacramento from Grant.

View along Grant back toward intersection with Sacramento.

Further away from Sacramento.

Downhill view along Clay toward Transamerica Pyramid.

Downhill view along Washington.

View along Columbus Avenue toward Transamerica Pyramid from the other side of Chinatown.

Same place.

Me again, walking in downtown

A guy on Hayes Street making a store sign out of ice with a chainsaw.


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