Artwork: Baby artwork

Jul 15, 2010 18:25

Subject: A Gift for Alex
Fandom: Doctor Who
Rating: G
Media: Lines drawn in 2H pencil, coloring in Photoshop.
Notes: Gift artwork done for baby Alex's birth. His dad is a big Doctor Who fan, so decided to put him properly on the geeky path early. So we have all 11 Doctors helping to spell out his name and a TARDIS inspired matte. Needless to say that the Doctor Who wiki and google image search have been my friends on this and trying to get the costumes right.

The first Doctor teaching baby Alex particle physics.

The seventh Doctor with Ace.

The third Doctor with Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart and Liz Shaw.

The ninth Doctor with the Empty Child.

The sixth Doctor having caught an X-ray fish and with a pile of books.

The eleventh Doctor with Amy.

The fifth Doctor with Nyssa.

The fourth Doctor with a Dalek.

The eighth Doctor snuggling the Earth.

The tenth Doctor with River Song.

The second Doctor and Jamie McCrimmon playing little Alex a lullaby.

The backplate on the frame.

Images all in their matte.

Images all in the frame.

Subject: A Gift for Fiona
Rating: G
Media: Inked line-art.
Notes: Work in progress for baby Fiona. Her parents are Polish and Irish and her dad taught English in Japan (hence the poppies, shamrocks, knotwork, and cherry tree). The animals with her are all the mascots of her parent's colleges and she's in a little blue devil's onesy.

gifts, doctor who, baby pictures, artwork

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