Mar 31, 2006 13:47
but I utterly adore The Spill Canvas! So I'll start at the beginning of yesterday, so I woke up and of course I knew it was going to be an awesome day because a) I didn't have to worry about work, and b) I was going to see The Spill Canvas in less then like 12 hours!! I went to my doctors appointment, but nothing exciting happened there. And I'm healthy so I guess that's always good news.
So I come home and I took a little nap and then I wake up to Sam's message telling me that she called out of work so she wouldn't be late to the concert! yay! Then I get a phone call from Jenn asking me what I'm doing, I say nothing and then she tells me that Sam is considering getting a tattoo and definately getting a piercing and asks if I'll come. So of course I say yes!
(Side note, B.B. is so totally jealous of the computer. Anytime I sit down to type or do anything that takes longer then 5 minutes on here he starts doing anything possible to get my attention, including launching himself at the computer and knocking everything he can down...stupid cat.)
Anyway yesterday ended up being completely random. Kate ended up calling out as well, well not showing up to work anyway. And me, Sam, Kate, Jenn, and Marc all headed downtown to check out tattoos and piercings. No one got anything, but I blame Sam's parents for that. Oh and apparently Sam's mom blames me for being the bad influence for calling out and her wanting a tattoo. Funny, considering I'm not to blame for either. Well maybe for the tattoo, but Sam already wants one of those I just encourage her to rebel against her parents and actually do it.
So then after all the fiasco and arguing downtown everyone dispersed and went their seperate ways and Sam and I headed to the Recher...aka my doctor's appointment for the evening. We parked at a burger king because parking sucks in Towson, but whatever. We waited in line and had a fun little discussion about ice cream and such :-P Once we got in we found out Sarah wasn't going to make it due to car trouble :-(. The first band should have just not wasted my time, but it was fun to stare at the hot guys standing behind us. After The Exit Sam and I followed Roe and his photo pass to the front to watch The Spill Canvas. <3
Let me just say they played one of the most amazing sets I've ever seen them play live. They played 9 songs! And Nick was doing all kinds of cute little things with his guitar and hips and such. He's such a dork but he's adorable. Sam fell in to lust with Dan. I finally remembered that my camera takes videos too so I have videos and pictures from the concert! And the biggest part is I swear we were close enough I made eye contact with Nick like three times, that may sound really stupid to some people. But it's fun to think that he actually recognizes me from attending his shows. I mean he recognized me in Orlando, so one can only dream. Sam says at one point while I was speed deleting pictures to free up some memory he looked at me and once he saw me she says he looked a little happier, I don't know if it was me he saw but it's a nice thought. <3 I still can't express to you how awesome the show was. And they played two songs I've never heard them play live before! And he played Self Conclusion. I was explaining to Sam how disappointed I was when they didn't play that in Orlando because it's not my favorite song or anything but I really love watching him play it live. We didn't stay to talk to them because a gazillion people seemed to show up out of no where to watch Straylight Run, and there were a bunch of little 16 year old girls waiting and stalking around the merch table, and more importantly we were starving. But either way, it was an amazing show and I think we talked about how great it was the whole time while we were eating and on the way home. <3
On the way home I explained to Sam that This Is For Keeps is actually about vampires, more importantly a metaphor for eternal love but yes. So to sum it up The Spill Canvas really is just the perfect band for me to love. People who know me will understand why and can easily put two and two together. ah!
So now I'm sitting here in my pajamas still thinking about how I need to get dressed and go get some things done. But this update seemed rather important on my list of things to do today. Also I need to decide if I'm gonna call out tomorrow and go to Philly to see them again. I really, really want to. It's a noon show so I don't imagine it will be that packed. There were rumors that it was going to be an acoustic show, but I doubt that is true. Either way I still really want to go! I don't want to go alone though, so if Sam will go with me or I can drag someone else then I'm totally there. And plus I want to go see Erin's guard show and I want to see Light Brigade this year. It would be an amazing way to spend the first day of April, or any day for that matter...if I could only make up my mind...