Yeah, I have three. I got one in the original sale of these from the Fantagraphics website. They come in a bunch of hair colors like black, dark blue, green and pink. I have two pinks and a dark blue. The green are in very high demand and sold for ridiculous amounts of money on eBay. I really, really want one. They're just so cute:
Though when I asked Dan Clowes about it he said that he saw that on eBay and was surprised. He says that the green aren't the rarest, the rarest are the dark blue (Woo Hoo!). What color do you have, my pretty?
I have a whole bunch of other Ghost World stuff. And the Pogeybait Doll, which is pretty adorable.
Though when I asked Dan Clowes about it he said that he saw that on eBay and was surprised. He says that the green aren't the rarest, the rarest are the dark blue (Woo Hoo!). What color do you have, my pretty?
I have a whole bunch of other Ghost World stuff. And the Pogeybait Doll, which is pretty adorable.
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