Because You Were Always There - GAME SPOILERS

Feb 09, 2011 21:18

[Mood music here.  Actually, it's just random Mother music because I can't promote it enough.]

Hinawa was gone.

So that was that.

It had been a gift beyond all imagination.  An opportunity he would never have dared to wish for.  Had they meant to be kind?  Had Mayfield truly blessed him with this chance for no other purpose than benevolence?  . . . No.  Of course not.  He wasn't such a fool as to believe that.  This was what had been meant.  To grant him happiness for such a brief time.  To set a flickering light in his life, only to snatch it away ruthlessly.  No, this was what had been meant.  The defeat and pain he felt in his heart . . . That was what was intended.

Or perhaps . . . Perhaps nothing at all had been meant.  Just a coincidence.  Random chance.  That here, in this place, in this world where people from any universe, any life, any time, dead or alive, precious or forgotten, beloved or despised, the two of them, mother and son who had loved each other so dearly, who had lost each other so tragically, could come together once again for the briefest of times.  And if that was so, then . . . Then, how could he be angry?  It was not a gift given through intent, but it was a gift nonetheless.

But he was.  He was angry.  He was furious.  He was angry, he was sad, he was so . . . ! that he didn't even know what he felt.  The moment Hinawa returned home, she had returned to an empty destiny.

The bad news . . . The bad news is . . . It's where I found the Drago Fang.  . . . . . It was . . . ........... It was pierced through your wife's heart.

Three years ago, Hinawa had died, and his life had been irrevocably shattered.  Three years ago, he had wept until he had no more tears, wept so pathetically that he had allowed his brother to perish, wept so tragically that all of Tazmily had wept with him.  Three years ago, he had wept until he could not be Lucas, the timid boy, anymore, for if he continued to do so, he might as well have died with Hinawa and Claus.  Lucas, the timid boy, had become Lucas, the strong boy; Lucas, the supporter of his father; Lucas, the rebel against the Pigmasks; Lucas, the boy who led a dragon against a tank; Lucas, the psychic who commanded the greatest power ever to be manifested in his world.

Lucas . . . the boy who once again faced the pain of his mother's death.  As surely as if she had been stabbed through the heart again, Hinawa had died for the second time.

But if Lucas, who had become so weak because of it, could find the will to become strong . . . Then Lucas, who was already strong, could find the will to become even stronger.

Luke . . .

Margot . . .

Netherlands . . .

Dad.  . . . . . Claus . . . . . Mom . . . . . . . . . . .

I will fight.

If I die every day until Mayfield is nothing more than a ruin in an empty world, I will still not have fought hard enough for you.  If I destroy a hundred armies, I will still not have fought hard enough for you.  If I pull seven hundred needles, if I awaken a thousand dragons and rebirth the world ten thousand times over . . .

I will not have fought hard enough for you.

Do you understand?

I will never give up.

And he knows, now, what emotion it is he feels most strongly of all.


[Lucas is somewhere in the park, appearing as presented in the icons.  His eyes are closed and tears run down his face silently.  Moments earlier, there was a massive release of PSI power that manifested as a brilliant light show in the sky. You may respond to that if you'd like, but you will not get an answer.  Lucas himself cannot be found.]

the captain, hinawa, patchouli

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