Jan 02, 2011 22:49
[There is fumbling on the phone line for a few seconds and a bit of hesitant breathing, as if the speaker isn't sure whether or not he should say what he's about to say. When he finally gets the words out, though, they are spoken firmly, with confidence.]
I believe him.
I'm not going to ask anyone else to, but . . . I do. I don't think for a second that he can really get us out of here, but I think he's trying to help us. It's not out of selflessness or anything -- There's some reason we can't understand . . . If it makes sense, though, I think . . . I think whatever he's after, it's better for him if we escape than if we stay. It's not for our sake. But I believe him.
We've fought so hard for so long. So when somebody offers to help us for the first time . . . If we just refuse and say it's a trick to hurt us even more -- Isn't that a victory for them, too? We've all been hurt so deeply that our first reaction is to be afraid. . . . I don't want to become like that. I don't want to become someone who's bitter and frightened and always suspicious. I understand -- I'm naive, and I'm stupid. But I've gotten as far as I have by believing in the good of people, and I won't let Mayfield take that away from me.
. . . He said something to me. 'Keep on keeping on'. . . .
[filtered to Crowe, Kay, Luke, and Ness]
[He's chosen the people he wants to speak with carefully. There are so many people he loves and cares for in this place, but . . . He needs a certain type of person for this. And after carefully considering for another few moments, Lucas slowly and deliberately filters away from his mother. There are some things he doesn't want her to know.]
I have something to show you. It might not be a good time now -- When all of this is over, though, I'd like to ask you to come over when you can. Thanks.
jessica ushiromiya,