Tenth PSI

May 23, 2010 23:16

[open call]
 . . . Hello?  Um.  Is this . . . Is this the right number?  This is Mayfield Elementary . . . ?

I'd, um.  I'd like to call in sick.  Lucas . . . Last name?  Ushiromiya.  . . . . . . . .  There isn't any -- A-Ah.  Lucas . . . Lucas Fawlin . . . Grade 7.  No, I just haven't been feeling well . . . Ah.  Mostly fever . . . . . . . . A hundred and um.  Three or four.  U-Up my . . . No.  No.  My mouth . . . A few days.  No.  I haven't seen the nurse . . . Um.  Not yet . . .  My parents . . . ?  They're not home.  And I . . . I don't want to bother them . . . I don't know.  I . . . I really don't think I can.  I don't . . . But I -- I know, but.  It's just . . .  I'm really not . . .

. . .

O-OK.  OK.  I'll try . . . I'm sorry for the trouble . . .

[Ten minutes after this call is made, an unsteady figure walks out the steps of 846 Goldberg, his face flushed and his eyes glossy.  Twenty minutes after that, the boy slowly begins to kneel to the sidewalk somewhere on the route to school, but fails to make it all the way before collapsing forward.  He does not get back up.]

((Feel free to make responses to the phone call or anytime that Lucas is spotted on the street, either after he faints or before.
EDIT: For continuity's sake, I'm going to refer to Margot as finding Lucas first if I make any reference to this simply because she had the first thread.  I wasn't expecting so many replies; thanks everyone!  He'll still remember everyone's kindness to him, though.))

denmark (satw), franken fran, sideswipe, margot, crowe, ange ushiromiya, regain, ichabod crane, the captain, the netherlands, free, raz

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