45th PSI

Oct 22, 2011 21:33

[voice, public]
Sorry to bother everyone.  This is Lucas.  Um.  I've been thinking...

Halloween is coming up pretty soon, right?  And we know by now to expect... if not bad, then at least... not-so-good things on holidays.  We can all celebrate for real whenever the town is done playing games with us, but for now, I think we should consider preparing for whatever might end up happening.  Last year, about a week after Halloween, they gave us candy that made us... change into different things.  Mostly the types of things you'd dress up to be: vampires and werewolves and... I think there was a milkman candy, too, actually.

[He trails off a little bit, and takes a breath to pluck up his courage.]

Anyway, I've been thinking!  For a long time, now.  There's almost always someone who needs to be healed in times like this, isn't there?  And every single time, there must be a few who suffer serious injuries who can't find anyone to help them.  So I'd like to ask...  Everyone in town who can heal, through magic or psychic powers or through practicing medicine...  I want to ask us all to get together sometime.  Or if not that, then I'd like to hear from all of you. We can make a list, or we can agree to take charge of a certain area of the town, or organize something else among us.  So that if anyone is ever injured, they always know someone to ask.

I can start.  My name is Lucas, and I'm a psychic.  My strongest abilities are for healing and shielding; when I have all of my PSI back, I think I can heal almost anything.  Unfortunately, I'm still only at about half-strength right now...

[He hadn't even caught his name, but the words of the boy at the dance had stuck with him.  Birthdays were important, right?  Birthdays should be... celebrated.  And it wasn't just his birthday, either; there was someone else much more important who deserved this.  Even if he didn't know when his birthday was, even if he would rather not grow any older... It ought to be remembered, nonetheless.

At the grocery store, Lucas buys a small cake.  He'll return home and cut two slices; the rest will be left for Silence.  Perhaps it's a little strange to be carrying two plates of cake down the street, but he does it anyway; upon reaching the park, he'll head to the isolated corner where a single sunflower and an etched rock lie peacefully under the sunlight.  He sets one piece down before the sunflower and bows his head a little.]

Happy birthday, Claus.  I think we're fifteen.

I wonder... if you saw me now... if you would be happy.  If you would be proud of me.  I know I was never the type of brother you really wanted, but...  I couldn't have asked for a better one.  You know that, right?  Y-You... You were always so much stronger than me.  You were my big brother.  You were my everything.  I always thought... I always thought I couldn't go on without you.


I love you.  I wish I had had a chance to say it.  I love you.  ...I never should have let you go.

[His head sinks against his chest as his voice goes dry.  He manages a final whisper.]

Take care of Mom, OK?
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