Feb 07, 2010 13:20
I think everything will work out the way it needs to. I'm confident one day I'll have exactly what I want. I wish it was sooner rather than later but certain barriers are in place that prevent me from having my dream come true.
I'm happier than I've ever been right now and if she ends up being mine I can be the happiest I could ever possibly be.
Nothing could make life better than that. Period.
I feel... confident... positive and I feel lucky that I still have you in my life. Cause you see...
...I want you and I need you. I want you all to myself and I want you for the rest of my life. Do things change? Yes they do. Maybe I'll meet someone else. Maybe you'll meet someone else. Maybe time and distance will be the factor. Maybe that too will change, but, what never will change...
...is how much I now and always will love you...