Teens & Up Aus, Dru, & Wm: All I Want for Christmas 1/1

Dec 02, 2009 03:13

Title: All I Want for Christmas
Fandom: BTVS/ATS
Characters: Angelus, Drusilla, & a glimpse of William
Prompt: See Author's Note.
Rating: Teens & up
Genre: Dark humor, maybe?
Word Count: Approx. 700
Warnings: No cussing, no sex, no fangs, no gore. Slight implications of the aforementioned if you're old enough to catch them. Take that bee and stick it in your bonnet, Net Nanny.
Summary: Angelus is doing a job he normally hates, but this time it happens to be in the right place at just the right moment.
Disclaimer: Not mine. The people who created, wrote, produced, and distributed the original characters and/or plots own everything this writing is based on. This is just me having fun. Besides, I'm broke, so you won't get nuttin' if you sue.
Feedback: Concrit and stroking are welcome. Flames will get R2-D2's CO2 spray in the face.
Author's Note: This was the prompt/request from one of the readers of my friends-only fic/icon journal. If you are one of my readers, please go to this entry and make a request according to my abilities as outlined in the entry. Merry Christmas, jaded_jamie! I was afraid I wouldn't be able to come up with anything PG-13 for this prompt, but my muse gave me this just as I started helping Mom with supper tonight. The original request was for Angelus & William, but my muse says this is what you get when asking for a PG-13 fic of just before or just after Angelus turns William. LOL! Seriously, though, I hope this is okay.
Distribution: If I'm a member of your archive, community, forum, group, etc., and I haven't posted it, please give me a gentle reminder. Anyone else, please comment with an invite.

Darla had put Angelus on Drusilla duty. Again. Angelus generally considered the task annoying. Drusilla was irrepressibly loud and, though graceful, continuously bumped into people and drove them away. No chance of luring anyone in for a feed with her along.

Those were the usual reasons Angelus would resent Darla burdening him with Drusilla. No. Not this night. This night was the night before Christmas, Christmas Eve, whatever a body wished to call it. People swarmed the streets, their hearts thundering with excitement as they flitted to and fro, celebrations here, feasts there....He could almost taste the wine-sweetened blood, and he could most certainly smell it.

Drusilla gasped beside him and yanked on his coat sleeve. "Daddy! Daddy!"

Angelus put a calming hand on the one of hers that was looped through his arm. "Hush, childe. What is it, now?"

Only slightly subdued, she hopped up and down, pointing across the way to a young man, probably in his late 20s, who kept his eyes to the ground, obviously avoiding the meeting of eyes with others.

"I want him, Daddy!" It was sheer luck that the din of the crowd covered her enthusiastic proclamation.

Angelus grabbed her hand and pulled it back down to her skirt. "Hush yerself! And, ye know better than ta point at people in crowds, get yerself noticed."

Dru pouted and hung her head. "I'm sorry, Daddy. He's just ever so pretty. He'd make such a handsome prince for Miss Edith. Such a lovely dolly under the tree."

Angelus frowned and rubbed his chin, making a show of mulling the idea in his head. Truth be told, he'd already decided. He thought the boy was pretty, too, and agreed he'd make a very nice toy.

"I don' know, childe. Ye did behave badly in yer askin'."

"Oh, please." She clung to his sleeve with both hands. "Please, Daddy."

"Ah, I suppose."

"Wee!" She hopped up and down, clapping her hands repeatedly.

Angelus held up an index finger, and Drusilla stopped immediately.

"Ye must agree to this first," Angelus said.

"Anything Daddy. I want my sweet prince!"

Angelus nodded. "First, ye have to follow me straight home; and once ye get to bed, ye stay there 'til we call ye for Christmas."

"Ooooh!" More hopping and clapping.

"Drusilla," Angelus said in a warning tone, "if ye don' let Daddy finish, he'll get angry and ye won' get yer present," and have to watch as Daddy plays with him over...and over...and over....

Dru began to sob. "I'll be good, Daddy. Plea-he-hease...."

Blast. Angelus shuffled them into an alley so they wouldn't draw any unwanted attention. He patted her arm as they went. "As long as ye behave, there's nothing to whimper about. Now," he turned to face her, lifting her chin with the crook of one finger, "the last thing ye must do."

"Yes, Daddy?"

Angelus wiped the tears from her cheeks. "When we call ye for Christmas, I need ye to act surprised when ye see your present. Mommy can' know ye asked for him, or she'll be angry I got him for ye. She might even take him from ye. We wouldn' want that, would we?"

"Oh, no, Daddy!"

Angelus shook his head and said softly, "No, no. So, can ye stay abed 'til Christmas for me, precious?"

"Oh, yes, Daddy!"

Angelus favored her with a smile. "Fine, then. Let's go home and see if Mommy's found us a good meal."

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