
Jan 15, 2015 23:17

Nothing like having to clean up dog pee at 10:00 pm when you're tired and fighting extreme nausea. I just got home and not only did said doggy pee on the bathroom floor again, but she peed right next to the toilet and the urine ran under the toilet, so I've been on my hands and knees for the last 45 minutes, wiping and spraying and wiping again and then sliding strips of paper under the toilet to try to soak up as much of the urine as I can because... ugh, the smell. This is unacceptable, dog.

And btw, may karma find the cold-hearted son-of-a-bitch who dumped this little doggy on the street. That was ten years ago, and yes, I love the poor little mutt and I've tried my best to give her a comfortable, safe, loving home, but I didn't want a dog, didn't need a dog, and couldn't afford a dog, but no one else would take her so here I am on my hands and knees cleaning up dog piss for the thousandth time in ten years. That's the point of this post, really. Just to curse the person who let their dog roam the streets, un-neutered, have puppies that no one would want, and then dump them in random neighborhoods.

Okay, rant over.


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