CW RPS Drabble + Comic-Style Manip: Familiarity; (Jared/Jensen, R? NC-17?)

Oct 05, 2008 13:44

Fandom: CW RPS
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: Not worksafe…R or NC-17 (guys having sex, but dark -- in the sense of low light, not dark subject matter -- and a little vague and no naughty bits showing.)
Word Count: 150 word drabble
Notes: Done for the Fall Fandom Free-for-All

I couldn’t decide if I wanted to do something sweet or funny, so this is a weird mixture of both. Not sure if the combination works, but it was fun to do, so…

short fic plus art, rps, jared/jensen, drabbles, fanart, fic

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