Heroes Fic: Payback's A Bitch; NC-17 (Matt/Mohinder, Nathan, Peter)

Jun 11, 2008 13:48

Fandom: Heroes, written for the Anonymous Kink Challenge
Prompt: Nathan drunk, speculating about which positions M2 likes best; Matt making mental corrections
Pairing/Characters: Matt/Mohinder, Nathan, Peter
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2177
Spoilers: Through the end of Season 2
Notes: This is the other fic I did for the challenge. This was so much fun to write - I fell a little bit in love with naughty-drunk Nathan. :o)
Summary: Voyeurism, sorta kinda
“Look at ‘em, Pete,” he whispered. “Suresh is like, this big around,” Nathan said, holding up one pinky finger, “and Parkman’s like…huge. How does that even work, man?”

Payback's A Bitch

“Like a twig, Pete. I thought m’back was gonna snap in two, jus’ like a twig, like…” Nathan looked intently at his thumb and forefinger rubbing together and idly wondered why they weren’t making a snapping sound. He concentrated on the task, his face lighting up when he finally produced a nice, loud, satisfying crack. “Like that. Snap!” Peter grinned and shook his head.

“Hey! Petrelli!” Matt called from across the room, one beefy arm wrapped loosely around Mohinder’s slim waist, the other raised to point accusingly at Nathan. “We agreed to never speak of that again, man.”

Nathan raised his beer bottle in salute, smiled his brightest smile, and nodded, muttering under his breath, “New York to Odessa, Pete. All the way to fuckin’ Odessa, Texas, man. Weighs a fuckin’ ton, and sweaty! Oh my God, Pete, the sweat. And he was like, straddlin’ me, sittin’ on m’back so y’know…ball sweat.” Peter choked on the swallow of beer he’d just taken, and began coughing and laughing simultaneously. Nathan thumped him on the back. “Soaked clean through m’shirt. Yeah, I’m pretty sure I had Parkman’s ball sweat on m’back,” Nathan confided, still whispering.

Matt’s face turned bright red. “Okay, cut it out, Petrelli, or I’ll come over there and snap something all right. Snap your damn head off, maybe,” he groused, but one corner of his mouth was twitching up into a reluctant grin. Mohinder looked curiously from Matt to Nathan and back to Matt.

“Whoa,” Nathan whispered to Peter, his eyes opening comically wide. “Parkman has good ears, man.” Peter dissolved into helpless laughter and shook his head again.

“How much have you had to drink, Petrelli?” Matt called out. He raised one eyebrow and jabbed himself in the chest with a forefinger. “Telepath. Remember? Ringing any bells?” This provoked a fresh bout of giggling in Peter, who’d been matching Nathan beer for beer.

“Oh, yeah,” Nathan said, nodding and attempting another finger snap. “I’ve had a fair amount t’drink, Parkman, but I’m sort of celebratin’ bein’ alive, so y’know, get off m’back.” He drained his beer bottle, then went to Peter’s refrigerator and got two more beers, handing one to Peter with a wink while he muttered, “And I mean that literally, get off m’back and for the love of all that’s holy, don’t ever get on it again.” He winced and rubbed at the small of his back. “I think I need a chiropractor.” He glanced over at Matt to see if his last comment had been received, but discovered that he’d lost his audience. Matt’s head was bent down, Mohinder’s was tilted up and they were deep in conversation. Nathan and Peter watched as Matt pulled Mohinder closer, their eyes closing and the distance between their faces shrinking until their lips came together in a kiss.

“Get a room!” Nathan called, laughing as Matt stretched one arm out, flipping the bird in Nathan’s direction without breaking his kiss with Mohinder.

Fuck you, man, Nathan heard inside his own mind, clear as crystal. Peter chuckled, and Nathan knew that he’d heard Matt, too.

Nathan took a long swallow of beer, then wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “Look at ‘em, Pete,” he whispered. “Suresh is like, this big around,” Nathan said, holding up one pinky finger, “and Parkman’s like…huge. How does that even work, man?”

Peter laughed. “I don’t think that’s any of our business, Nathan.”

You’re a good man, Peter Petrelli.

Nathan snorted indignantly in Matt’s direction. “Hey, I’m a good man, too. Just because m’mind wanders to the physical loglis…lotigicks…”

“Logistics?” Peter supplied.

“Logistics! The physical logistics of that man,” Nathan pointed to Matt, “fuckin’ that man,” he pointed to Mohinder, “is jus’ mind bogglin’. That’s all I’m sayin’.” Matt finally broke the kiss with Mohinder, but wrapped his arms around him and hugged him close, turning so that he could glare at Nathan over Mohinder’s shoulder.

Nathan scratched his chin, deep in thought. “I guess it’d be kinda like when Heidi was pregnant. The belly, I mean, y’know?”

Hey! I know I need to lose a few pounds but I do NOT have the belly of a pregnant woman.

Peter nodded. “He’s right, Nathan. His belly’s not that big. Let it go, man.”

Thanks, Pete.

Peter raised his bottle. “You’re welcome, Matt,” he called across the room.

Mohinder pulled away from Matt, his face a study in utter confusion. He looked over at Peter, then up at Matt. “Is there something going on that I should know about?” Matt was saved from trying to explain when Mohinder’s cell phone began ringing. Glancing at his phone, he said quickly, “It’s Molly,” and answered as three sets of anxious eyes watched. There was a collective sigh of relief in the room when Mohinder smiled, covered the phone with his hand, and said, “Everything’s fine. Hiro and Ando are teaching her to fold paper cranes.” He wandered over to the sofa and sat, still smiling and talking softly to Molly.

Grinning widely, Nathan looked directly at Matt as he whispered to Peter, “So, anyway, when Heidi was pregnant, I could get in there pretty good if I rolled her on her side and came at her from behind, y’know? Maybe that’s how they do it?”

“God, Nathan,” Peter said, laughing. “I didn’t need to know that about you and Heidi, and I sure don’t need to know…” He broke off as an image suddenly slammed forcefully into his mind, an image of Mohinder, naked, lying on his side and bent forward at the waist, his lean, brown back covered with a sheen of sweat. Peter shook his head, but the image only got clearer. One of Matt Parkman’s large hands was stroking Mohinder’s back, the other was cupped under Mohinder’s thigh, holding his leg up high while Parkman’s thick, red cock, shiny with lube, disappeared between the round, perfect globes of Mohinder’s ass. And running through and all around the image like a wisp of smoke, was the breathless whisper of Matt’s voice saying, Who’s your Daddy, Mo? Huh? Unnghh…who’s your Daddy? Stunned, Peter could only manage a gasp followed by a rather distressed sounding, “Oh, God.”

There was a brief moment of absolute silence, then Nathan let out an explosive bark of laughter. Peter turned to Nathan, Nathan to Peter, and Matt stared at both of them as all three said, in perfect synchronicity, “You saw that?”

The next few moments were a jumbled stream of confused babbling.

Matt, his face red with embarrassment, said, “Did I…I didn’t mean….didn’t know I could do that. Oh, God.” And he closed his eyes in abject mortification.

Peter, his face also red with embarrassment, said, “So sorry, Matt…didn’t know…no time…I’d have blocked it if I could’ve.” And he closed his eyes so that he didn’t have to witness Matt’s abject mortification.

Nathan, his face red because he was laughing so hard he couldn’t breathe, said, “That was great…’Who’s your Daddy’…ha ha ha ha…funniest thing I’ve ever seen. Heard. Whatever.” And he closed his eyes so that he could wipe at the tears of laughter that were trickling down his face.

“Well, that wasn’t exactly what I had in mind there, Parkman,” Nathan said, when he got his breath back. “You should have been in Heidi’s position,” and Nathan swooped his hand over his belly in an arcing motion to indicate a rounded belly, “and Suresh would be…never mind. Whatever works for you guys,” he laughed.

From his spot on the sofa, Mohinder covered the ear that wasn’t pressed against his phone and frowned at them all as he struggled to hear Molly. Nathan looked up, held a finger to his lips, and gave an exaggerated, “Shhhhh.” With a wicked grin spreading over his face, he glanced first at Peter, then at Matt, before thinking, Or sometimes, when Heidi wasn’t too tired, we’d do it doggy style.

Peter groaned and said, “Nathan, don’t.”

But Nathan couldn’t be deterred. How ‘bout it? Doggy style work for you, Parkman?

Matt’s face got, if possible, even redder and he squeezed his eyes tightly shut in concentration, but apparently it was going to take more practice before he gained control because again, like a swift punch to his gut, Peter was hit with another image. This time, Mohinder was on all fours, his face pressed against a pillow and his ass raised high. His long, graceful fingers clawed desperately at the rumpled white sheets beneath him as Matt’s big hands held Mohinder’s hips steady. Matt was lunging rhythmically in and out, in and out, and Mohinder’s dark curls bounced against the bed with every thrust.

In all honesty, Peter thought, it was kind of hot and he found himself fighting the stirrings of arousal even as he tried, fruitlessly, to block the image Matt was unwillingly sending out. Even Nathan had gotten quiet. And then the Matt in their minds began slapping Mohinder’s ass cheeks lightly while humming, ‘Taking Care of Business’, and Nathan lost it, breaking into a fresh bout of laughter.

Matt covered his face with his hands and groaned quietly. Punching Nathan in the arm, Peter said, “Come on, man, cut it out. Leave him alone,” but Nathan was having too much fun with his new game.

Good old missionary style worked if I put a stack of pillows under Heidi’s ass. It lifted her up just right so that I could really go to town. That one always made her squeal…

The image hit almost instantly. Mohinder on his back, his legs raised high and spread wide, aided by the pillows beneath his hips. His hands clutched at Matt’s hips pulling him in tighter, closer, and urging him on with a quietly spoken, Harder, Matt. Please…so close, and Matt obliged, moving faster, his hips slamming into Mohinder, a loud slapping sound punctuating each thrust.

Peter squeezed his eyes shut painfully tight, and tried his hardest to block the image, but like before, it only got clearer. He saw Mohinder’s entire body go suddenly rigid, then shake hard as his orgasm hit. Mohinder’s eyes closed and his mouth opened wide, and he groaned loudly until Matt covered Mohinder’s mouth with his hand and leaned down to nuzzle Mohinder’s ear, whispering, “Shhh, Mo. Shhh, you’ll wake Molly.” When Mohinder’s body relaxed and his arms fell, limp and sweaty, to the bed, Matt moved his hand and smiled down at Mohinder. His eyes still closed, Mohinder murmured sleepily, “I love you, Matthew,” and Peter suddenly felt Matt’s thoughts, felt the power of the emotions behind the image so strongly that it made him breathless. Matt leaned down again and kissed Mohinder softly on the mouth, then whispered, “Love you, Mo.” The image abruptly faded.

Peter kept his eyes closed, afraid to open them and look at Matt. It was so wrong to have seen something so intimate, so personal. Peter chanced a peek over at Nathan first, satisfied to see that Nathan at least had the decency to look ashamed. Hazarding a look at Matt, Peter saw that he was beet red and he was staring steadfastly at the floor as if the pattern of the carpet held all the mysteries of the universe.

Nathan cleared his throat and said, “Parkman,” waiting until Matt looked up before adding, “Sorry about that. You…you and Suresh…” His mouth worked for a moment as if he wanted to say more, but he finally gave up, shrugged helplessly, and said again, “I’m really sorry.” Matt nodded.

The apartment was eerily silent now, making Mohinder’s voice seem unnaturally loud as he said into the phone, “All right, sweetheart, I’ll see you soon. Glad you’re having fun,” then disconnected the call.

Mohinder took in the three men standing awkwardly silent and glanced from Matt to Peter to Nathan before saying, “Did I miss something?”

Nathan smiled a little sheepishly. “Not really, no.” The awkward silence continued for a moment longer until Nathan suddenly added, “You know, Suresh, I was thinking. You and Parkman probably don’t get to go out much, like on a… a date. And with things the way they are, well…Pete and I could watch Molly for you if you ever wanted some alone time, maybe go to dinner or see a movie or something?”

Matt snorted and rolled his eyes. “That’s the least you could do, Petrelli.” Seeing Mohinder’s shocked expression, Matt said, “Trust me, Mo, he owes us.”

Peter nodded. “He really does. Oh, and Nathan?” Peter turned to Nathan and concentrated with all his might. “I have a little something from childhood that I’ve never shared with you before…”

An image suddenly filled Nathan’s mind. Angela Petrelli, buck naked and riding atop their father, a crop in her hand, squealing, “Giddyup, Arthur! Giddyup!”

As Matt burst into startled laughter, Peter leaned over to kiss Nathan’s forehead which, along with the rest of his face, was looking decidedly green around the edges. “Payback’s a bitch, isn’t it?”

Mohinder sighed and resigned himself to a future of being perpetually confused.

matt/mohinder, heroes, fic

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