May 23, 2008 01:27
WELP, I am now one of those people that I frequently and mercilessly rail on for being useless, lazy, leeches to society because I, too, don't have a job. And I LIKE IT. I'm pretty bad about checking the ol' bank account, but I think I got enough mulah to tide me over until some employment works out.
I want to be at Marymount SOOOOOO BADDDLLLLLLYYYYYY (I didn't even realize how badly, until it was clear that I wasn't going). It doesn't matter how often you visit, or how many letters you write, or how much your friends update you after the session is over- if you weren't there, then you can never fully experience it, and you can't form those bonds with people in a brief Oh hey! Yea! I remember you- are you wor- oh, you're not working? Just visiting? Oh, ok, well it was good seeing you, yea, see you 'round! Kind of visit. But based on the facts that I pretty much have to reorganize my life (i.e., gettin' on some anti-depressants, finding a job that pays enough to eat, finding a new place to go to college, etc.) All of this would be a little much if I were to be isolated in the wilds of Fairview for 10 weeks (or even just 6 weeks) without reliable sources of communication (and no way of being in Memphis in under 3 hours). Hopefully Bridget Finn. won't hate me, but I think after I tell her the ol' sob story all should be forgiven(ish).
Bought a lovely black, wide-brimmed hat today at Target (copying off of Audrey Hepburn... and Sam), which made me feel sexy. Hats often do that, and unlike Meg Ryan in You've Got Mail, I have rarely found buying a hat to be a mistake.
Does anyone out there still read this thing?
OMG, little blue guy, I have missed you so!!!!