
Oct 01, 2007 05:59

I think that went... rather well.

But I am feeling quite sick. Of all the places to be relocated to, behind a dumpster was not the most desirable destination.

... I wonder how much time I've lost? It appears to be little. That is interesting.

I have many ends to tie up. When... I am feeling a little better.

I expected greater recovery than this.

[OOC: Well! Hojo has endured his first death. I've been fart-arsing about trying to figure out which memory to kill and given that I'm still so undecided, I thought I'd kill off one that'd be a bit milder: Hojo has forgotten that he ever shot and experimented on Vincent. As a result, he doesn't recall any of Vincent's limit break forms nor any of the physical advancements he made to him. He's still Turk level, as far as Hojo knows. As for how his memories have rearranged themselves around that gaping hole, he essentially thinks Vincent just buggered off because he found someone other than Lucrecia, and that Sora did more of the killing than Vincent. Which... should make things amusing at the very least, I hope. <3 I kind of wanted to make him forget Lucrecia, but OH GOD THE MEMORY REARRANGING. It would be too immense for 6 in the morning.]

classification: public, response: rufus, response: sasori, classification: ic, response: zack, subject: planning, subject: whoops dead again, response: vincent, response: namine, response: edward

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