
Mar 06, 2008 08:02

And here I believed I might never see it again. The Companion Cube has gathered dust, but can easily be cleaned. It's as talkative as ever.

The theme of the month appears to be memories and identity, most notably loss of, change of, regression of, and abuse of. It's all been terribly enlightening.

I'm sure we can all agree that we've learned something from this experience, correct? The impromptu sexual education was a particularly nice touch. Naturally, my least favourite part was the obliteration of all that made Wesker interesting, but it is no great matter to me. He is gone, but his research remains. Given that he was never particularly trustworthy, I can't help but think this is to my benefit as well, if unintentionally on ShuRa's part.

[Screened from Lucrecia.]

Ah, yes. And that other event we have all been so troubled by. I see that someone cut off the head. Who knew such instability lay beneath? A ridiculous end for a ridiculous company.

I wonder if it's mere coincidence that two from my past have been uprooted, altered, and placed back down. Or perhaps they are merely granting me favours.

Private to Valentine // Unhackable.

You will find that ordering me to do what you want will not get you terribly far at all. That will always be a one-way relationship for us, Valentine.

I wonder. How much have they divulged on your previous experience here? Very little, I would presume. Few would have fully comprehended enough to explain your behaviour.

Private to Szayel // Unhackable.

Snapped his fingers and it was fixed, hmm? I take most unkindly to the degradation of our mutual efforts. Perhaps this child would be worth investigation; if he refuses a report, it's simply natural that we write our own, isn't it?

Private // Unhackable.

Module integration successful on subject ALE-02. No rejection. Report pending.

response: allelujah, subject: hojo is up to something, classification: public, response: auron, subject: hojo faps over cube again, subject: hojo faps over vincent again, subject: specimens, response: kurama, response: lucrecia, response: wesker, response: logan, response: zaeruapollo, classification: private message, subject: hojo faps over lucrecia again, response: elena, subject: hojo is intrigued, subject: allelujah files, subject: specimen files, subject: what is this guilt you speak of, subject: ooh no baby please don't go, response: veld, classification: private, response: makubex, response: warren, response: duke, classification: ic, response: amarissa, subject: ooh no i just want you to stay, response: vincent

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