
Dec 22, 2007 02:21


What did I...


OOC Notes // Hojo's Behaviour.

It's been an ongoing thing that since Hojo was freed to sit in his bunker, Schuldig has been mentally tracking him. Schuldig has the capability to force his perception of the world on others - that is, to force them to see the world in a (reasonably) rational light. Schuldig doesn't quite epitomise sane, but it's certainly been effective for Sephiroth, who is currently being kept in check by him.

Schuldig has been doing the same to Hojo, though Hojo has put up a very fierce resistance. As of yesterday, he's pretty much wholly sane - though this has had some fairly heavy consequences for Schuldig's own sanity, particularly by taking on two extremely crazy burdens at once.

I don't know how long I'll be doing it for, or even if one can consider it permanent, but... it's something new to explore. Sane Hojo. Or Sane-ish Hojo. ♥ Let's hope I can pull it off.

His memory on the significant majority of events will be very hazy. If he could recall with absolute clarity all of his atrocities it'd probably send him off of the deep end, again; as it is, his mind has somewhat 'censored' the most gruesome parts.

As an aside, because I just realised I forgot to mention it forever ago: Hojo's last death by Schuldig's hand, when he got taken in by Shinra, caused him to forget Sephiroth. He believes Lulu had a miscarriage, and that he, in all his egotism, was the replacement for Sephiroth during the whole Meteor incident. As a result, he believes it all ended when Cloud killed him.

Thanks guys! Sorry for the long like longcat.

response: caboose, classification: public, subject: whoops sane now, response: zack, response: lucrecia, response: zaeruapollo, response: elena, response: navanna, classification: ooc, response: makubex, subject: hojo's brain feels violated, classification: ic, response: reno, response: vincent, subject: hojo is a bit unstable, subject: whoops maintenance error

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