
Dec 18, 2007 00:37

Private to Wesker, Zaeruapollo // Unhackable.

... I have reason to believe I've been compromised.

There's a telepath tracking me. Not only tracking me, but establishing a more permanent connection. I can't tell what he's doing yet. For the time being, I intend to remain out of sight; I must deal with this matter.

In the meantime, there are three matters that need to be attended to:

The Laboratory. I have finished a very quiet retrieval process at WH-105-667745. The heavier equipment remains, and that, you must take the risk of retrieving for yourselves. Fifth, in their custody, knows where WH-105-667745 is, and I couldn't risk faith in his ability to stay silent. I am still investigating GLaDOS's stability. The Fourth implied that he has locked me out of her system. I'll see it with my own eyes, first. She remains at WH-105-667745. As soon as I know the damage she has sustained, I will make an order to either retrieve her, erase her memory, or destroy her completely.

My other homes are empty.

The Turk Reno is not in his right mind. He's wandering the streets alone. I want him taken in. After all... you're going to need specimens, aren't you? One of you will go after him.

The other is to target their strategist. He may not be the main organiser, but he's one of them. You sever him, and you sever a load-bearer for communication. You must locate and eliminate the others.

More importantly... he seems to be close to the telepath currently causing me some mental inconvenience. It may prove helpful in that respect, as well.

The laboratory equipment is yours. You will know where to find it. There are blood samples for you - Jenova cells. Take them if you need them. Begin your work. When I am no longer a liability, I will return to assist you. I will also keep up the pretense of being responsible and planning to keep the onus off of you.

... As a final observation. You are both aware that I am not the most modest man, and so you will understand the importance of what I say if I tell you:

I trust you both to bring this world to its knees, with or without me.

That is all.

Private to Schuldig // Unhackable.

Do you think you're doing some damage?

Private to GLaDOS // Unhackable.

Hello again, GLaDOS.

I need a report on any damage or alterations your program has taken that were authorised by Fourth - and by anyone who was not me personally, for that matter.

response: schuldig, subject: hojo is up to something, subject: hojo's brain feels violated, subject: specimens, classification: ic, response: wesker, classification: private message, response: glados, subject: hojo's eleven, subject: hojo's breakout, subject: purgatorium, subject: hojo is a bit unstable, subject: whoops maintenance error

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