
Dec 08, 2007 22:53

I've had better service, but I can hardly complain. A vacation is a vacation nevertheless.

A pity that there is a shortage of intellectual discussion, but one cannot have all things, I suppose.

... Hers. Give me information. What of your progress?

[ ooc: It's safe to say Hojo's using the same method to get onto the system as Jenova is, with the unfortunate downside being that one doesn't get to pick the filters and he can't be all underhanded. ♥ Had to do something with him since I'm going a little stir-crazy. ]

response: yuna, subject: hojo is up to something, classification: public, response: buffy, subject: lol shinra you're so silly, subject: specimens, response: lucrecia, response: andrew, response: logan, response: zaeruapollo, response: weiss, response: yachiru, response: jean grey, response: rikku, response: elena, subject: hojo is intrigued, response: schuldig, response: adam, classification: ooc, response: makubex, response: sephiroth, response: watanuki, classification: ic, response: penelo, response: reno, response: soujirou, response: glados, response: asellus, response: vincent, subject: hojo is a bit unstable, response: edward

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