Feb 18, 2012 05:03
Yo, so with 161/Canonswap/Carnival on the rise, I thought it might do some good to get some plot going.
For the event, Xion is switching into the Prototype canon (aka what that lame dude alex mercer is from.) I won't bore you with the details but the short version is that in this AU, Xion is a coma patient turned horrible science abomination in a constant tug of war with the horrible violent voices in her head. Her powers are the same as Mercer's--the armblades, claws, armor, creepy organic tendrils etc. etc. so she's a pretty powerful weapon. The problem is that, while Xion shares the mostly pure demeanor of her OU counterpart, her body is ridiculously unstable. Her lack of control in when and where she mutates results in a lot of collateral damage (also awkward accidental stab hugs), and while she's dominant to the voices in her head almost all of the time, this week she is going to lose that battle.
Towards the end of the week, Xion will go completely insane and give way to the voices in her head, becoming a creepy hive mind mess of tentacles and mutations. She'll be driven to attempt to consume/absorb everyone around her, and will be running rampant around the Facility looking for people to snack on. She'll still be smart enough to attempt to avoid most of those pesky robots, but will otherwise be pretty singleminded in tracking people down to assimilate into herself.
So what I'm wondering is if anyone would be interested in scrapping with her during the course of her insanity. Now that deaths aren't free I'm not going to ask anyone to die at her hands(unless you want but), but if anyone is willing to have their character get a little bloodied up and/or bloody her up, I think that could be pretty fun. She'll be going after both people she's familiar with and complete strangers, so don't worry about the present state or lack there of our CR. Dibs on her final subjugation go to her boyfriend Accelerator.
Other option: If your character is magical and feels like being a dick and speeding up the process of her going nuts, I'd love to play out something like that earlier in the week! (Or dated to then)
I'll probably put up a log where you can fill in how far you want the encounter to go or what you'd like to have happen or where or whatever you guys prefer. If anyone has anything specific in mind I'd love to hash some stuff out! Merci!
plot with me,
plot post,