Valentine Report!

Feb 14, 2012 00:13

Valentine's day! /o/ That means presents, I guess.

Lavi is going to be giving out chocolates to all of his CR, so if you're on here (and if you've talked to him but aren't on there yet (ie Sora and Applejack)) you're getting chocolates. They'll be dressed up like this though they're not as good as Ghiradelli chocolates. More like round balls (and some not so round) that are just solid chocolate.


Lavi is unsure of some of his CR's new places of residence (if he hasn't visited them) so feel free to claim that someone's chocolate has appeared at your door and you don't know who so-and-so is. (This is unless you live on his floor, then he...kinda already knows. :|a) They all have a tag with proper names and the from is a hand drawn rabbit with an eye-patch - Lavi also scribbled his name somewhere.

Alma will be getting two bundles, one for big!Alma and one for bitty. A-and Kanda's are a dark chocolate truffle.
Timcampy gets his own candy so he doesn't eat Allen's.


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