Spoiler Post

Feb 05, 2012 11:35

Week 160 will be our now annual wish week.  Every character will have on wish for the week as a thank you from Val.  This can be something they consciously want or unconsciously.  Be creative, plan with others, have fun with it.  If you're not sure if something is going to be okay, post it here for mod approval.  Remember, no affecting other characters without that writer's permission.  Whatever they get, they'll lose it at the end of the week.  But they can still enjoy it for the week.

Keeping in mind the change in setting, we're not going to recommend having visiting characters, as that would be a hella sad way to end an event with them dropping dead and being tossed in the incinerator.

Week 161 is our first redux of the year and was the winner of the writers' vote - canon swap.  This means that your character can wake up as though they grew up in another canon.  Basically, they will be AU versions based on another canon's universe.  It can be any canon that is represented in the game.  No other canons.  This will be an optional experiment.

Who remembers what histories is up to the muns involved.  Feel free to create complete AU histories with multiple characters together or just have your character suddenly wake up with a past life that no one else remembers.  For characters staying with their original canon, AU characters can be integrated into their memories or they can be confused as hell, it's up to the writers.

In case anyone is confused, your characters are not suddenly new arrivals at the facility.  They have been here, their memories are just twisted to match their new realities.

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