Jan 17, 2012 09:50
For anyone that's confused or going 'how do I get in on this!', here's a breakdown of the end of the week plottinz.
First, this is not their successful escape attempt yet. This is just step one. They're still stuck as lab rats through next week. Expect a lot of disappointed and frustrated rats come Saturday morning.
Timing: This is going down Friday night. As Val has requested, her guests will be aiming all of their destructive powers at the ceiling, floor, and walls of F3. This will probably go on for hours while people break out their end game type moves and generally wreck havoc. Those civilians that don't have end game type powers will probably want to take cover and hide for this.
Who: Anyone in the rebellion, anyone involved in the Asura plot, and anyone recruited by Jack will know when and where. There is another rebellion post planned in the immediate future, but you can assume any of those groups already knows. Still want in? Ping here and we will find a way. Fourth wallers in particular, what better way to go out than by giving the Consortium the ultimate middle finger? Characters needed for helping protect civilians, blowing the place to hell, or whatever else needs to be done.
How: Opinions are needed here. We can have a mass log with people doing threads for their Ultimate Blow Shit Up Friday, or we can just have an OOC post with people checking in with damage counts. Or both.
ETA There is also a capes safehouse plot, for those that just want to get their characters the fuck out of Dodge. A little CR to go with your madness?