Pyramid Head Plot Post

Dec 27, 2011 00:54

As I'm sure many of you are aware, in two weeks we're going to be doing a 4th wall event here in facility. One of the characters that I will be bringing in will be Pyramid Head from the Silent Hill series. Essentially he works as a judge of the guilty, punishing them in rather graphic ways.

I'll spare you all the nitty gritty details of the Silent Hill mythos because everyone has their own interpretation and I won't bore you with mine. I'll just break down what this means for you. Primarily, Pyramid Head is something of a god figure in Silent Hill that judges people. Throughout the series he's seen not only pursuing the guilty, but those who desire judgment and punishment for what they have done.

What this means is that if your character harbors guilt for what happened in the past, then Pyramid Head will naturally be attracted to them. Generally this won't be for little things like forgetting someone's birthday or a minor thing like that. Pyramid head is attracted to the guilt that comes from major crimes like murder, rape, and other such grievous sins. And if your character actually wishes that they would suffer for what they have done? Then all the better. Pyramid Head will be more than happy to oblige them.

In terms of physical abilities, Pyramid Head is incredibly slow but also extraordinarily strong. He has no issue lifting a fully grown man off the ground with one hand and then promptly throwing them several feet. He'll primarily be using his huge great knife, but he's not picky when it comes to weaponry. In terms of physical endurance he's almost invincible. He's absorbs insane amounts of damage and never really shows any signs of it.

tl;dr Pyramid Head is in your facility and wants to punish people. Let's make some magic happen.

planning, plot with me, plot post, plotting, plot

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