Dec 24, 2011 06:41

It's leaner! It's meaner! It's...been a while since you've seen one of these, huh!?

Let's get brass tacks out of the way, because this one's important. Changes to the structure in a way, as well as some plotting!

What is the Rebellion? Or: How I learned to stop worrying and love Player Plots.

The Recap

Simply put, for those unitiated, the Rebellion is the brainchild of one crazy little goober (John Egbert here) that gets together everyone looking for a shot at freedom and gets them to work together like any disorganized ragtag bunch of misfits they are. Morale has been falling, but thanks to a sudden revelation (the discovery of Izaya Orihara as the mastermind behind "Week 103", a Not-So-Solitary redux experiment in which key rebellion staff, Facility veterans, and other disorderly rats were put under the thumb for varying torturous experiments, while some were forced to watch their friends being tortured on live television.

Now that the near year-long mystery of Week 103 has been solved, John feels angry enough (his veins are burning like they're filled with nothing but gasoline) to finally take another strike at the Consortium.

The Pitch

John held a talk with Val a few weeks back, confirming there would be an attempt - supported by their caretaker - to break out in an environment where everyone would have Black Collars, allowing full power.

John's also pitched the idea to Rebellion key staff in order to give them the heads up, thus John (and the other Rebellion heads) trimming things up so that people are ready to stage the breakout when "Week 155" rears its ugly head...whatever it is.

The Inner Workings

"Okay, so how exactly do I fit into this, or exactly how can I fit into this?"

The Rebellion Roster: "A rag-tag bunch of misfits... an evil overlord's one weakness."

You'll notice that the roster is looking a little sparse there, in some places. With terminations abound, and due to my own OOC incompetence, there's not been a lot of people to take up the helm. That's where you all come in! Here you can post applications in order to become a part of the great Rebellion!

Mun Name (Self Explanatory!)
Character Name: (Also Self Explanatory!)
Room: (Also Also Self Explanatory!)
Code Name: (As much as certain characters might hate it, Code Names are -essential- to this! They're an added layer of counter-espionage against the Doctors. If you've already given me a codename, feel free to put that here OR change it! For those who haven't given Codenames yet, feel free to put one here.)
Suggested SUIT: See 'Rebellion Structure' for more info on this!
Suggested IR: See 'Information Ranks' for more info on this!
Strengths: (What is your character better at than most people? What tactics can he or she employ to better goals for the rebellion?)
Weaknesses: (Conversely, what is your character lacking in? What problems do they have that could hamper mission objectives?)
Works Best With: (Which people who are part of the rebellion do they work the best with? What kind of person do they like the most?)
Cannot Work With: (Pet Peeves, mistrusted characters, etc. People or people's personalities who this person would be at odds with throughout the mission!)
Additional Notes: (Anything you feel would be useful and relevant to add, from combat notes to personality quirks.)

A few notes on applications!

  • If you are not on the Rebellion Roster and should be, you need to fill one of these out! Michi did the purging of dropped members, which means if you aren't on here - due to my sheer incompetence - you somehow never got added. I will be adding everyone who makes an application, so don't worry about it! That's because...
  • All Rebellion additions will be handwaved as to having happened in the intervening months. This is so I don't get clogged down in trying to incorporate anyone trying to have been recruited this next off week. (EDIT: As of Jan 2nd, this post can also be used to add people to the rebellion ranks from the Dec. 25th Off Week. If you want to be added, say so here!)

"But Mon! There's these terms like rank and suit and I don't understand!"

Don't worry, Facilitarians! Uncle Mon has got you covered!

DECK Structure: We're not exactly playing with all fifty two here.

Or, for a brief recap:

  • If your character is more suited for destruction and brute force tactics, they'll want to be in SPADES.
  • If your character isn't geared for combat and more geared toward information/communication management, they should go to CLUBS.
  • If your character is good with being stealthy, battle tactics, and reconnaissance, they should be a part of HEARTS.
  • If your character is a work-alone type who fits none or more than one of those categories, they're a DIAMOND.

As for Information Ranks, well, they've gone through a bit of bit of a revision!

Information Ranks: How to tell who's large and in charge? Just look for a Face!"

Information Ranks are how to tell who's who in DECK. Face Cards (King, Queen, Jack) are important leaders and key members. Aces are generally reserved for big name members calling the shots or long-time Facility Veterans. Cards are the grunts doing all the hard work without being the leaders. The higher you are, the more info you get access to, it's more or less that simple.

"Isn't there some card lingo used for non-secure communications? I might need that too!"

Not a problem! Here it is:

Communication Codewords: Marked! Shuffle! Wait to Royal Flush!

The Power Vaccum

"Hey, Mon, there are a couple spots there that aren't filled in! Where's the leaders for HEARTS and DIAMONDS?"

Glad you asked! You see, Thanks to the recent removal of Izaya from the rebellion and the promotion of Sasha to DIAMONDS JOKER, there are two leadership vacancies. Current existing members can try out for the leadership positions, however, from an IC standpoint, the final say is held to Sasha and Terezi for DIAMONDS and HEARTS' new leaders, respectfully. Feel free to discuss all sorts of leadership ascension ideas here!

And The Rest!

Got questions? Concerns? Pointing out errors? Plotting Rebellion Activity? Posting to add to the ranks? Not a problem! Feel free to do everything and anything relating to the upcoming weeks of REBELLION PLOTTING. That's why this post is so comprehensive!

Check you later! Remember:

We Keep You Safe.
We Are Your Hope.
We Are In Control.

rebellion plot, plot with me, plot post, plotting, plot

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