Hey, guys! Congratulations, you made it through Week One Hundred Twenty-Nine. They’re like a kindergarten class, they don’t know how to just be quiet.
First order of business, it’s Sunday, and time for reset. Welcome to
Wonderland! A seriously messed up, cracked out Wonderland. They will be in F3 for three weeks, so get comfy. Desh is the modly expert on the setting, so he will be the first line of answers to questions on the setting.
There will be
wandering monsters, but no NPCs. We don’t want to give any of the surprises away in the video game. We’ve blocked off areas that can be spoilers, so as to not ruin the game for those that have not played it yet.
Week 130 is memory transfer. If a character touches another character, a random memory is transferred. The character that initiated the contact will receive a memory from the person they touch, even if it is by accident. Both parties will know what's happened, and what memory was transferred over. The length of the memory is up to the writers, but no longer than about five minutes. It's not the story of their life, just a snippet.
Oh, and Activity Check just ended. Since the mods will start processing it in the morning, if someone happened to sneak in at the last minute, we probably wouldn’t notice. HINT HINT.
For our new writers, hello! Welcome aboard, feel free to ask questions. These days, most of the chats take place on AIM in 'facilitychat', so feel free to go there for your plotting needs. We also have a spiffy new
plot post for players to use. Shop for plot or advertise one of your own. Thanks!