Week 127 OOC Writeup

Jun 25, 2011 23:56

Hey, guys! Congratulations, you made it through Week One Hundred Twenty-Six.  We could write a couple of case studies based on these guys.

First order of business, it’s Sunday, and time for reset.  It’s another week in F1. Enjoy the clean white walls and sanitary conditions.

Week 127 is an off week.  This means a CR meme and a suite log.  Val has also decided that the lack of communication between potential partners is due to lack of education, so she has remedied this.  In the rec area, your character will probably notice that the bookshelves are longer than they were before.  New reading material!  Yes, along with the outdated women’s journals and catalogs, there are now two new sections.  One is like the relationship section at any big bookstore.  Plenty of books on how to communicate with the opposite sex, how to keep your partner happy, and how to put the flame back into a relationship.

Next to that section is another section for their education.  This is blatant erotica, anything you can think of for every species represented.  Dirty novels, how-to’s, you name it.  Good luck keeping the kids away from that.  There will also be a pile of buckets next to the shelves.

For our new writers, hello!  Welcome aboard, feel free to ask questions.  These days, most of the chats take place on AIM in 'facilitychat', so feel free to go there for your plotting needs.  We also have a spiffy new plot post for players to use.  Shop for plot or advertise one of your own.  Thanks!

week 127, ooc writeup

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