Apr 28, 2011 22:26
Adding another cart to this hiatus train. I'm taking a two (maybe three) week hiatus, starting this weekend. With AP tests, and a ton of projects coming up, I need to focus my attention on school. /SIGHHHH
It also doesn't help that Knives' voice is being especially quiet for me right now. Writer's block = DNW D; Hopefully by the time I'm done with these weeks of school hell, her voice will be back loud and strong. I'm really sorry to everyone I've been tagging for the past few weeks. I'll try to get to those tags as soon as I can.
Gideon-mun and Matthew-mun, I'm especially sorry for being so flaky. ;w; The "RESCUE THE CHAU" plot will have to wait for a little while longer. Whether we just backdate or handwave this, it's up to you. I'm good with anything. Feel free to YELL AT ME post your thoughts/comments here.
For now assume Knives is around being her sunny self. She's just on the DL at the moment.
Thanks guys and I LOVE YOU <3
knives chau