Canon Update/Retcon Info

Jan 28, 2011 00:26

So Gamzee is still going to be on hiatus until late next week because of how busy I'll be, but he's going to be getting a canon update. Or, rather, there's something that's kind of going to be retconned somewhat, due recent events.

So, things have kind of gone batshit lately in Homestuck, especially for Gamzee. See, it turns out that one of the effects for coming off Sopor Slime for Gamzee has turned out to be insanity. Specifically, Gamzee’s developed a bifurcated personality and gone homicidal. He’s also apparently obnoxiously super strong, but we haven’t seen any of that, so that won’t be coming into play right now.

Needless to say, considering I’ve had Gamzee off Sopor Slime for about five months now, this kind of throws a wrench into things, as it’s not something I can really ignore. And I don’t want to drop the character either. But at the same time? I don’t want to entirely lose/fuck over the characterization and incredible CR I’ve managed with the kid over the last half a year. So we’re coming to a kind of compromise.

Gamzee is, for the most part, going to be played as I’ve been playing him for the last six months. The happy, goofy personality he’s had is going to remain the predominant one. But here’s where things are going to get interesting.

After he comes off his hiatus, Gamzee’s going to seem fine for the most part. But things are going to change. Over the next few weeks, to a month, Gamzee’s behavior is also going to be getting…odd. Sometimes he’ll seem oddly placid, and almost cold. Other times, he’ll seem manic and enraged. And most times, he’ll snap out of it and wonder what the hell he was doing. Essentially, he’s going to be developing his split personalities as in the comic. However, while they develop solely because of going off sopor slime in the comic, for the Facility they’re going to be developing somewhat because of being off slime, but their main purpose is instead going to be developing as a coping mechanism after all Gamzee’s gone through in the Facility, especially after shadow week and the solitary torture week.

This is going to go on for about a month or two. After that point, there’s going to be something that’s going to cause Gamzee to just utterly snap. And that’s when he’s going to start acting like this:

And, for a demonstration of how these personalities will be played: and

Now, these personalities are going to be dominant for about a month or so after they first show up, with Gamzee’s actual personality desperately trying to fight to come back out and failing for awhile. After about the first month, month and a half of the split personalities having dominance, Gamzee’s predominant personality will finally start to show up more again an re-establish itself. So instead of the two, Gamzee will have three personalities: his original, and the two split ones.

This is going to be a fairly slow change and then re-establishment in character, probably going over the next few months as things go bad, then worse, then start to get better. If anyone wants to plot something with this, especially those Gamzee has CR with, or have some suggestions about what they’d want to do now that this has happened, please feel free to comment.

Wow, holy crap, this was a lot longer then I intended. Sorry.

canon update, retcon

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