Who: Kouichi and a five-year-old Shikamaru
When: Sunday of Age Regression week
Where: The cafeteria, the biodome, and the hallways in between.
Summary: Little Shika has heard rumors of the biodome and wants to see it for himself. Kou-chan has volunteered to escort him~
Rating: G
Warnings: The same cuteness/fluff warning that I imagine will be on most logs this week. >>
Shikamaru shut his laptop (at least, that's what he was pretty sure he'd heard other people call it) and fidgeted a bit on the bench he'd climbed onto , feet dangling several inches from the ground and swinging to and fro.
This place was weird. What kind of building was this, where you could walk around free but there were no windows or doors? Everyone was saying that they were being held captive here, but this didn't seem like any prison Shikamaru had ever heard of. More like a hospital, but with no doctors or sick people. He'd looked around for a little while on his own, but there seemed to be mostly just kids his age. The few grown-ups he'd seen didn't seem to be doing anything but running around like crazy chickens, yelling and saying all sorts of crazy things about the future.
Shikamaru sighed and picked at the material of his shorts with one hand. He was still wasn't convinced this wasn't a dream, even if Kou-chan said it wasn't. He seemed nice enough anyway. At least he didn't yell and get angry like that Robin lady had. What kind of grown-up yelled at little kids like that anyway?
After a few minutes of fidgeting and consciously heavy sighs, Shikamaru hopped off of his bench and grabbed his laptop with two hands, holding it carefully and walking slowly towards the entrance of the cafeteria. Kou-chan said he'd be coming soon to take him to see the garden. Even if this was a dream, Shikamaru still wanted to see the garden. And the fake clouds.