Who: Xion and everyone!
When: Valentine's Day afternoon
Where: Facility Two biodome which has been converted into Destiny Island
Summary: It's Xion's birthday and her friends have thrown her a party! Island-style!
Rating: PG-13 most likely
Warnings: None as of yet?
And you can walk on the water )
He lowers his gaze, eyes moving across the party instead. It's... really good for her. He's glad. It's about time someone had a birthday on time, as Sora had mentioned earlier.]
So, I was wondering...[There's the birthday girl, peeking just around Riku's shoulder.]
Have you...ever had one, before?
[He looks up at her, patting the spot beside him and scooting over just a little.]
One of those fruits...The paopu.
Have you ever...?
[He looks up to the tree, hanging heavy with the yellow fruits.]
I... wanted to. But I feel like... I'm not sure I need it. You know?
Well, I mean, I know what you mean but...
It's kind of like, sharing it with somebody, even if it doesn't really do anything, it still...
It's like, feelings taking a physical form.
Like memories. Real stuff like seashells and coats and charms...They're the vessels of our memories. And stuff like sharing the paopu, it's like the vessel for our feelings.
[And now he mimics Roxas -- presses his fingers to his chest, his heart fluttering faintly beneath them.]
I... like to use my heart, when I can. Maybe the paopu projects them, makes them real, but... many times, I... want to keep it inside of me.
Dunno. Maybe I'm just scared of legends.
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