Who: The Midnighter and Apollo
When: Valentine's Day Evening
Where: Apartment 3207
Summary: The Midnighter and Apollo try to celebrate Valentine's Day... and wind up trying to figure out who and what they are instead.
Rating: PG-13 most likely
Warnings: Guy love and more than likely angst... possibly violence?
[The silent, self-replicating Henry Bendix...whatever they weres were almost the best things to happen to Midnighter pretty much ever since arriving in the Facility. By being able to kill the one bastard in the multiverse he hated more than anyone or anything over and over again, he was able to get his mind off of everything else that had been bothering him, and he found the closest thing he was ever going to get to peace. He really was a simple man with simple needs when it came down to it.
But the real best thing to happen to Midnighter was sitting in the living room, watching his thousandth episode of Cupcake Wars (he had forgotten this Apollo had yet to see the show). Midnighter sat down next to him, his hair still damp from his recent shower, and kissed the long-haired blonde's cheek.]
I can't believe you can watch this crap for this long.
[Though he knew that this was every bit of Apollo's release as killing Henry Bendix over and over again was his.]