Who: Everyone and then some!
When: Tuesday night through Thursday night
Where: Station Alpha Omega
Summary: The inmates are running the asylum. Or so they hope to be when this is all over.
Rating: R
Warnings: Violence, language, possible nasty ethical dilemmas, our characters
And I feel fine~
We'll start threads for major teams/locations, hop in and
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Second left, Dash! If there's interns, try to blow past them and wait for me in the closest secure area you can hole up!
Three of them, instead of keeping their guns trained on the doorway they're looking around, trying to figure out what exactly that was that just whizzed past them, half visible, nothing much more than a ripple in the air. Harry raised his left hand in a fist and pointed his staff, using both it and the force ring at once to scatter the interns like bowling pins. If he didn't have to kill, he wouldn't.]
So far, so good. You remember where the charge is supposed to be?
[He glances into the alcove as he passes, spotting Dash now that she wasn't moving.]
He turns, sprinting back through the defended room and catching a recovering intern a blow to the temple with his staff-nothing personal, mind you-taking a left and tugging the door open to a room marked "maintenance."
Maintenance his ass. The charge is right where it's marked on the map, covered up by a rack of dusty brooms and buckets that look like they haven't been used since the human cleaning staff became...obsolete. He puts his 'berry up to his mouth]
Found it, Dash. We bring these down and meet up in the same spot, ok? Make sure you rip out all the wires.
[He does so with his own, nodding before he pours water over it. He waits until he's sure its flowed into all the important components, then he freezes it, smiling when he hears it crackle and pop.
He pulls the map out of his pocket, getting his bearings, concentrating on figuring out a route to the next charge so intently that he almost doesn't realize he's wandered into what looks like a little break room, and that he isn't alone.]
Hell's bells.
[That's all the communicator picks up before a good ten seconds of gunfire. Harry's crouched behind a huge boxy machine of some kind, a terrified looking woman with sunken eyes and greasy, curled hair that might at one time have been pretty blonde firing wildly at him.
It might take a second for Dash to realize she can hear the noise both through the communicator and through the wall-they were just in an adjoining room]
Destroy it, Dash, that's priority one. Just... be quick about it, I'm stuck in here.
If you do come in, make sure she doesn't get a chance to point the gun at you. I just need one distraction.
Look. [He chances a glance around the corner, but recoils back at the gunfire]
If you do come in, wait for her to stop shooting and take something out of her gun, like a little box. Then hit her, that'll be all the time I need.
Flying fast, she swoops around the corner, but kinda forgets what he told her, going straight for the intern, kicking her in the side with her back hooves]
Sometimes, though, that just isn't in the cards. Dash's kick was effective enough, sending the woman sprawling and gasping, but the gun was still in her hand, and it was still loaded. She's moving to bring it to bear on the pony, and Harry's too far away to get to her physically. The machine at his right is leaking all over the floor by now, and he has only one real option. He raises his hand, frost forming on his lips and around his eyes as he dips into the Winter Queen's power.
Kill the mortal woman. Save the spare.]
Iiz slen-Nus!
[The words slither from his throat, forming the spell in the air almost of their own volition. The water springs to their command, ripping through the air impossibly fast, enveloping the woman and nearly covering up the sound of the gunshots ( ... )
After a long, long moment, she turns her gaze to Harry, huge, pink eyes staring at him blankly, wings flapping uselessly in the air]
I'm worry, Dash. I'm sorry that had to be done.
But I'd rather have you alive and her gone than the other way around.
[He turns away, taking the map out of his pocket]
Should be a left here, then the fourth right to get us where we have to go next. We still have a job to do.
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