Who: Tommy Shepherd and Kate Bishop
When: Late Wednesday night
Where: Their room, 32B
Summary: Tommy is figuring out what the colors of the wings mean after seeing so many, and he wonders if these feathers show who he really is instead of the person he tries to be.
Rating: PG
Warnings: Feelings. Teenagers being an old married superhero couple. Morality discussions. Tommy.
It's been a long week and it's only Wednesday. Tommy knows he's been over-using his less-instinctual abilities, and it probably shows - he's been eating more, sleeping more, not running anywhere, and getting headaches. He's performed his third or fourth wing-release by now, not including his own, and though the last one was hours ago, he's still feeling it.
For the moment, he has the room to himself, and he's taking this time to sit in the desk chair with a bottle of water, sucking on a piece of hard candy, trying to massage the ache out of his temples. He's also using it to think. He's seen several pairs of these things on the network, heard Val's comment about 'true colors'... He wonders if there's something to it. Kate's and Luna's are both as white as snow, and lit up like nightlights. His are dingy grey, with only a bit of fine white feathering at bases near his shoulders. It's the tiny patch of black on each wing that worries him, though.
What does that mean for him if he's right about this? Tommy shifts in his seat, and frowns at the offending inky spot on the left wing. Reaching out to savagely pluck one of the black feathers out is an impulse, and he hisses in pain when he does.