Who: Sam and Gene
When: Tuesday
Where: Their room
Summary: Sam sold his soul for a gun - smart money says Gene'll be pissed. If his brains not too screwed up.
Rating: PG-13
Gene had been having an off day, he couldn't blame it on booze so he was more than happy to blame in on this place. He would of looked on his berry but ... well, he really didn't like that thing and it was current under his pillow and had been for nearly a week now. Call him crazy but he didn't feel like he needed it that much when Sam always told him what was happening one way or another. Though from what he could tell, this was a far cry from mud and plants.
Sam had been acting weird since yesterday when he got back. And no, not 'Sam Tyler weird' or 'My brain is slowly being lobotomised' weird. Just... weird-weird.