Who: Yukina, Bucky, Steve
When: Backdated: Thursday Afternoon
Where: Suite 31
Summary: Yukina has been missing, kinda. Really, the plants got to her and she hasn't been able to get to her 'berry.
Rating: PG
Warnings: Yukina's two papas?
[Since Monday, Yukina had been stuck in her room. There were so many vines and plants, and she had no energy to do anything. Her ice would've been able to fend them off, but she couldn't use it at the time without being completely worn out. Even thinking about it made her tired. And her 'berry was all the way on the other side of the room, on her desk, a place she couldn't reach anymore. All she could hope for was someone would come get her out of this mess, because she couldn't get out of it herself.]