Who: Capes and associated
When: All week 138
Where: Capes' secret hideout for the trip
Summary: A cowl is a weighty thing. Just like last trip, a rendezvous point is set up, somewhere for the capes to crash and be able to take their masks off in peace. With gold collars in place and more raids happening, the population around the base may start to dwindle...
Rating: R for safety.
Warnings: Any general warnings associated with the capefam. Probably language and nonsense.
Upon arrival, a small group, Bucky, Barbara, Timothy, and America set out to first secure a location away from the general population. The place they found was an old farmhouse, a few miles outside of town, kind of lonely and off by itself. It was fairly nondescript, one of those places you'd miss if you blinked as you passed it. Really, it was perfect for their purposes. It stood at two stories tall, with a basement below and all the usual features of an actual house.
The entire house was quickly stripped and checked over for traps and possible security breaches. All the outside doors but the back one, surrounded by a screened porch, were boarded up as a precaution. This is the state the hideout is currently in, ready to be stocked with supplies and used as a central base for the trip. Feel free to assume a private text was sent out to all the capes letting them know of the location.
Rules are posted around the house, written in Bucky's handwriting:
1. Make damn well sure any visitors you bring are trustworthy. You will be held accountable.
2. No video posts from this location. Audio and text only.
With gold collars in place this week, all magical protections around and inside the house are GONE. It is likely not Reaver-proof now, unless made to be so during this week.
The house is fairly well stocked with supplies, ammo and firearms. Alfred acquired a spaceship and is using it to transport in supplies from town, and to transport capes around if needed. The ship is no longer cloaked.
Please make sure to note what day/time and if it's an open thread or closed to certain people.