Who: Lavi (historyrabbit) and Tyki Mikk (prazerbutterfly)
When: 8/18 around noon
Where: Tyki's room
Summary: Lavi finds his voodoo doll and Tyki continues his strange courting
Rating: PG-13 (language?)
Warnings: N/A
[They had left Link alone in his and Allen's room for whatever reason, Tyki said that he wanted to get some fresh clothes and Lavi honestly couldn't blame him. Sleeping in his own had made him feel rumpled and sort of road-worn in a way that was more usual with their trips to F3. So Lavi had been looking through Tyki's closet for anything clean mostly out of curiosity and possibly ask if he could wear something to bed instead of his own day clothes. Doubted really that he'd be able to get Tyki to go back up to the redhead's room to get them, he was talking about a lazy Noah after all.]
Here. Clean clothes.
[Lavi tossed them at the Noah over his shoulder and kept his back toward him for privacy. And, for lack of anything better to do, kept going through the hanging clothes, dropping the ones that smelled dirty in the floor. He reached for another white dress shirt that might work for himself and noticed something in the pocket.]
What's this...?
[He reached for it and found himself staring at a very familiar looking doll. Familiar only in the way in that it looked like him, he hadn't seen his own voodoo doll that week but it looked like the others had. He stiffens with the doll in hand, lifting it over his shoulder for Tyki to see.]
Mind explaining why you have this?