Nobody likes you when you're (un)dead, it just ain't right.

Aug 12, 2011 20:54

Who: Sasha Nein, zombie!Gabriel.
When: Backdated to Thursday, if that's alright?
Where: An unspecified corridor.
Summary: In which Gabriel sucks at being a zombie, and Sasha is one badass psychic. Guess which one comes off better.
Rating: Uh. R, perhaps?
Warnings: Zombie. Also, death.

Normally, one would think that being capable of both almost excessive strength and speed would count in one's favour whilst trying to take a bite out of someone's head. In this case, well - it turns out that without at least human capacities for rational thought, they aren't quite so useful. In fact, Gabriel's attempts at actually obtaining anyone's brains have so far been extremely unsuccessful. This isn't particularly surprising, considering how much difficulty he's had with such menial tasks as opening doors - the only reason he's not still trying to figure out his doorknob is because knocking it off its hinges worked just as well as opening it the normal way. So the strength? Yeah, for all that it's not getting him dinner, it's useful.

Flight, however - which normally comes more naturally than breathing to angels - has been proving more of a hindrance than a help. Yes, flying's fast, almost instantaneous, and that'd normally come in handy - but it's not necessarily a good thing when one lacks the mental capacity either to aim or to stop on time. He's overshot many times by now. Generally into walls.

It's rather ruined any attempts at stealth he tries to make.

Thankfully, while 'thought', per se, is not something he's up to right now, he can manage pretty basic learning. Such as that walking (well, stumbling, really) has a tendency to be less painful, if not much more effective. So, currently, he's walking (stumbling) down a corridor - he doesn't know which one; what are numbers? - looking for brains.

If he were to spot someone - very uncommon, recently, since most people have barricaded themselves in their rooms - there's no chance he'd be content to let them off with just a scare. So for their sake, let's hope that if he does, it's someone who can hold their own.

sasha nein, gabriel

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